Welcome to the W.o.M. Free Company site

W.o.M. is a Free Company on the game FFXIV made by Square Enix - Lamia Server started in 2018. We thank the founding members of the FC for helping create a memorable experience and we welcome all new members, Thank you.

Kavika and his friends doing the WAVE in the Spiritual Worlds

In a Wedding waiting room: all the friends are gathered

We had a party, but too drunk to remember it lol

Rarest Hat in FFXIV and Sekilini has it! Booyaaa

Look at these two GODS in the HOt Tubby

The Japan Market - so nice and colorful

Having fun yet??

Night Party in Lominsa Square!! FFXIV

Bird guy Dragoon looks so serious

Kicking it with the peoples. Married and Happy

All the Married couples in a PARADE of Chocobo!! FFXIV lol

Sitting under the Cherry Blossoms in FFXIV

Dancing in Lominsa Square- all the chicks love it

My favorite Beast in FFXIV, so cool

The Lone Ranger in FFXIV

PARTY TIME!!! Friends got down and dirty

FFXVI PVP KING: Kavika Lea'ena

The Warrior of LIGHT has returned

Kavika Leaena and Sekilini Leaena - Valentines Day 2018

Kavika Leaena in his Cowboy hat

Kavika fishing off the cliff in the Ocean - Fishing rank 19